AP Teacher

Rc.222 Medical Reimbursement Bills Online Submitting for Bills above Rs.50,000/-

Required Scanned Copies for Medical Bills Online Submission through cse.ap.gov.in

Rc.222, Medical Reimbursement Proposals Online submission through the website cse.ap.gov.in. As per the Rc.No.222/MB-3/Online/2015 Dt:31/01/2017 all Teachers, Head Master, MEO and retired staff members belongs to Department of School Education are requested to submit their Medical Reimbursement bills through online mode if incurred amount is above Rs.50,000/-. No manual and written proposals entertained hereafter. The complete Rc.No.222 Dt: 31/01/2017 regarding the medical bills submission is as follows.

Rc.222 Medical Reimbursement Bills Online Submitting  for Bills above Rs.50,000/-

All the RJDs of School Education and DEOs in the AP State are informed that it is decided that the Medical Reimbursement bills which are above Rs.50,000/- of MEO/Head Master/ Teacher/non teaching staff Retired and who are in Service through concerned forwarding authority to this office through online only and no manual and written Medical proposals shall be submitted hereafter.

In this context all the Regional Joint Director(RJD) of School Education and District Educational Officers(DEOs) in the Andhra Pradesh(AP) State are informed to upload the Medical bills online in the incumbents who are Discharged from 01/02/2017 in "cse.ap.gov.in" through login facility provided the forwarding authority i.e DEO (Non Teaching Staff Only)/Dy.E.O/MPDO/MEO/Head Master duly scanning the following documents.

Required Scanned Copies to Upload

  1. Application form for data Sheet.
  2. Covering letter of DEO (Non Teaching Staff only)/Dy_EO/MPDO/MEO/Head Master.
  3. Appendix-ii.
  4. Check list.
  5. Availment Certificate.
  6. Emergency Certificate.
  7. Essentiality Certificate.
  8. Discharge Summery.
  9. Non Drawal Certificate.
  10. Dependent certificate(if treatment taken on dependents)
  11. Final bill Abstract (Total claimed amount should be in the final bill).
  12. Pension Payment Order (in case of Retired employees)
  13. Death certificate.(if patient death).
  14. Family members certificate(if employee death).

In view of the above, all the Regional Joint Director of School Education and District Educational Officers are requested to issue clear instructions to the forwarding authority under their control in the matter. And also for not upload the incomplete medical proposals. The password was already issued by the Andhra Pradesh Online authorities is to the concerned officers for uploading the Medical Bills.

All above mentioned documents are to be verified, to confirm their genuineness, then up-load scanned proposals and submit to the concerned authority and issue instructions to all the concerned that Medical bills submitted manually will not be accepted for the proposals who are Discharged from 01/0212017 and online submission only to be ensured.

Rc.222 Medical Reimbursement Bills Online Submitting for Bills above Rs.50,000/- Click Here

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